We will regularly ask you for feedback on a variety of things, including maintenance and our improvements programme. We do this normally by a telephone call. We need to know that our contractors are working well, and that our services meet your needs. Without your feedback, we can’t be sure that we are getting things right, so please take time to complete a survey when asked to do so.
Additionally, every two years, we have a major resident satisfaction survey. This helps us plan and prioritise for the future. For instance, our last survey showed that whilst you were generally satisfied with most aspects of our services, you were less satisfied with the internal condition of our flats. As a result, we have brought forward programmes to improve flats and particularly to refit kitchens and bathrooms.
Finally, if you have suggestions for how we can make things better please let us know.
SFPG welcomes all feedback from residents about the service you receive from us. We want to learn from this and improve our service.
Sometimes things go wrong and understandably this can be inconvenient, annoying or when things go very wrong, residents can feel aggrieved with us. If you have got a complaint, please initially just talk to us or contact us. We will do all we can to resolve your complaint. We will prioritise actions, and get back to you within two working days, explaining what we are going to do.
If you do not feel that we have resolved your problem at this stage you should contact by email, phone or writing:
We will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days, and will fully investigate it telling you how we will resolve it within a further 10 working days.
Throughout the process we will remain mindful of our obligations as an accredited member of ANUK.
If at this stage you are still unsatisfied with our response you should contact by email, phone or writing:
Again we will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days, and will fully investigate it telling you how we will resolve it within a further 10 working days.
This is the last stage of our internal complaints procedure.
If you are still dissatisfied with our response or the outcome you may now wish to contact your University’s Student Welfare Officer, who can arbitrate between you and SFPG independently, review your complaint and take a view on whether SFPG acted fairly.
This is a new stage in our Complaints procedure, and is intended to try and resolve your complaint quickly, and with as little bureaucracy as possible.
If you are still unhappy with our response, you should then contact an independent body which is called The Housing Ombudsman Service who can investigate and intervene on your behalf.
The Housing Ombudsman Service PO Box 152,
L3 7WQ
Phone: 0300 111 3000
You must complete our internal complaints procedure before the Ombudsman is able to intervene.